Brickell town hall
Year: 2016
Team partners: Beatriz Marte
Carlos Madrid
Harold Perez
Alessandro Trigilio
A tech venture consisting of hardware and a satelites app that lets drivers in Miami beat the Brickell traffic
Brickell, located in the Miami area, faces significant traffic issues. The movable bridge in the area can open unexpectedly at any time, leading to daily traffic jams that can last for hours.
There seemed to be no viable solution to the problem. The city couldn't construct additional roads to alleviate the traffic, and there was no way to establish a fixed timetable for the bridge, leaving drivers in the area to face the usual chaos.
The Skyweg application is designed to address the traffic problem in the Brickell area by installing sensors on the bridge that communicate with the app, providing users with real-time alerts about bridge openings. This way, drivers can take the necessary precautions and avoid getting stuck in traffic.
I aimed to create a visual identity for the app that embodies the carefree and beachy lifestyle of Miami. Hence, I incorporated gradients, vibrant colors, and elements that are characteristic of the city and its culture in the graphic style of the app.